Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Satanic (01)

This organization calls itself the first organization in the world and throughout history who openly declare acceptance of the service of a true human nature is carnal beast that lived in the cosmos is permeated and motivated by dark forces.
For non-members will be blamed as the people who live in obsessive envy of us who remained in existence by the natural flow with a fear of the Dark Lord, so they call themselves the chosen foreign and Elite. Or do they say we are followers of Satan is God Himself. GS spread the doctrine that created Anton La vey through writing, recording, and video. GS claimed to have extensive media and referred by various names, such as the Church of Satan.

The followers of satanic symbol generally use the symbol 666, the pentagram, inverted 5 pointed star with a picture of two horned goat's head. Angle describing the star's horn meaningful Lucifer. Three angles below illustrate the trinity of Satan, who in the middle of Lucifer, on the left of the Antichrist, who in the right false prophets.
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the prophet and those tormented day and night forever and ever. This demon opponent Trinity Christian Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

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