Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ritual Satanic Gothic

The Pentagram is Basic to Satanism and is used with a victim placed upon it and tied securely.  The victim is then either beaten so as to recover, usually with full healing, at least after several days; or is used in various forms of sacrifice, sometimes having their bones cruelly broken while being beaten to death, at times concluding with having their heart pierced with the pointed end of an inverted cross.
 When the pentagram is drawn upon the abdomen of a woman's naked body it means that her infant (an innocent victim who is seen as a great offering) will be placed on her and sacrificed as her offering to Satan to seek a better position in Hell.
The Satanic Bible was written in 1969 by Anton LaVey. His book, and subsequent church and teachings, is the basis for many ideas about Satanism, but the symbols of Satanism are usually very old and steeped in other traditions, like pagan, occult, and Wiccan. Although some people believe Wicca is the same as Satanism, or the worship of Satan, it is actually a religion founded on traditional pagan believes that is unrelated to Christianity. Satan, the Devil or Lucifer, is the chief evil spirit or demon, according to standard Christian theology.  Satanism is comprised of those who follow Satan, rather than Christ, and many symbols are variations of Christian symbols, just like most beliefs are direct contradictions of Christian beliefs.
Unlike the Bible, the Satanic Bible is supposedly written entirely without divine or supernatural inspiration, according to the author.  Weirdly enough, much of the Satanic Bible is not worshiping of Satan, as the name would imply, but worshiping of oneself as god, with the ultimate goal of reaching a godhead.
Basically, Satanism upholds values that are contrary to every value held by mainstream, “white-light” religions, primarily Christianity. The pentagram is a five sided star drawn with a continuous line.  Also known as the pentacle, this symbol has a long history outside of Satanic traditions and beliefs.
The symbols is used a magical object or talisman, often symbolizing earth.  Because there is widespread diversity in those who believe this symbol has mystical or supernatural powers, the symbol can mean very different things.
Some people believe that a pentagram is a sign of the element of earth in Wicca, but when a circle encloses it or when it is inverted it becomes a sign of Satanism.  According to some sources, a pentagram tattoo marks the person as bound for hell.  This tattoo is often meant to honor Satan and procure the bearer a better place in Hell.  Some traditions maintain that a pentagram on the stomach of a woman means that any children she has will be offered to Satan in exchange for a higher position and more authority.  Other sources maintain that the inverted pentagram tattoo symbolizes a person drawing power from beneath, or inside depending upon person beliefs, in order to find their inner god.

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